Wednesday 11 July 2012

Malaysian Delicacy

Roti Canai

Coconut Rice

Have you ever thought that, "wow, this is the best food I've ever tasted" or "This food is the best". Well, you've never been to Malaysia. A country that has a lot and I mean a lot of restaurants from different countries and also of different cultures in Malaysia. If you happen to visit here, the first thing you should, wait no, MUST do is try the food here. Malaysian food like Coconut rice, Lemang(sticky rice)served with beef or chicken rendang, Roti Canai and many others. These dishes cannot be eaten once, if you've eaten it once, you would go and eat it again. Many restaurants you could go to get these delicacies. Restaurants such as Madam Kwan's, Kanna curry House and Belanga. ( go search them for the exact location). You would rue the day that you could have eaten these dishes if you came to Malaysia and not eat them. What you could expect when you visit Malaysia is gaining your weight. Hahahaha. That's all I'd like to share to you about the Malaysian Delicacies! Cheers :)

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